Hi Everyone,

I just completed the most amazing master class with Judy Blume. I previously read some of Judy's books such as Superfudge, Tales of Fourth Grade Nothing and Blubber. I knew of her reputation as a talented writer of dialogue so I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to take an online class with her. I have taken a load of online classes over the past 1 1/2 years and they all have something in common; it is a lot of information sharing and how-to advice. That was my expectation for Judy's class. Instead what I experienced was transformational. She is one of the most authentic, honest and generous of people. She started in the second lesson sharing her life story and her lifelong dedication to writing. By the time she was closing the class in lesson 24, I felt like I was part of an emotional journey filled with unconditional sharing of personal experiences and wisdom. My personal take away is the importance of making your life story a part of what you write. I have begun keeping a journal of the places I have been, my own journey that I can share in my scripts. It has been an awakening. Instead of a certificate of completion I ended up with a friend. I am also reading her novel, In the Unlikely Event. Here is the website to refer to, I recommend this so highly as I do the book.


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